The 2022 Attack Plan

Imagine ....It’s a 32-degree summer day in early January … summer holidays … lazy days with the family.  Sun’s out and the waves at the beach are perfect. A light on shore breeze keeps me cool while I’m sitting on the beach watching my son take a surfing lesson.

As my mind does when I’m not busy it wonders, it ponders … and then it hits me like a lead balloon in the pit of my stomach.  What happens if 2022 is like 2021? Bushfires, lockdown, uncertain sales and staff who aren't focused … my business if f#@ked! … and here I am blissfully unaware on the beach … opportunity is passing me by … what are my competitors doing? … holiday ruined!

Don’t let this be you!

Many people are already thinking that 2021 is over, thank God and good riddance to the worst year in memory.  It isn’t over, as I write this there are still 7 weeks to Christmas.  What could you get done in 7 weeks?

As I see it there are two options, option 1, lazy summer days.  Wrap everything up over the next 7 weeks and close 2021 off as something best forgotten. Have a well-earned break over Christmas and into the New Year.  Come back mid to late January and start to think about making 2022 better.

Or, option 2, plan out 2022 over the next 7 weeks.  Work hard until Christmas and then take a few weeks off.  This way when you return in 2022 your year will already be started, marketing will have started, your budget will be set, you will be refreshed, ready to go with a plan to implement.

But why choose option 2?

Business is like a running race, if you wait until January to get ready while competitors are starting now you have given them a head start.  Unless you are significantly better than your competitors, and most of us aren’t, then you will be playing catch up all year – and who wants to do that.

If you start now you can rest comfortably over Christmas knowing that you are ready to beat the competition in 2022 - you have the head start.

So are you ready to start making 2022 better?
Are you ready to enrol?

Only enrol if you want

  • A head start on your competitors in 2022
  • To attract clients who will pay you top dollar
  • An easier way to create effective marketing 
  • To reach more people without spending top dollar
  • An easy framework to deliver consistent quality marketing

When you enrol you will be redirected to the course.

You will also be sent an email with a link so you can return to the course at any time. 

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